Profit-Sharing Affiliate Program

Why you should promote our Profit-Sharing services

The first reason is probably that you would like to make some extra free USDT. But if you are a subscriber to our services, it’s probably because you know that we are providing a good investment program that is both safe and transparent.

Trust is very important, and I am always there to answer questions and discuss our strategies and the market in general.

Trend surfers is a service that you can be proud to promote and I want to make sure everyone that is trading with us knows that their funds will never be liquidated.

Our services are easy to promote as a safe solution to increase crypto trading profit. Both our strategies are backtested and forward tested. They have a very strict risk-management feature that will ensure the safety of the investment.

I am actively trading those strategies and at the moment of writing this, the most invested user of both strategies. I will protect your referral funds as if they were ours.

How does the affiliate programs work

As part of Zignaly Profit-Sharing services, Trend Surfers only get paid when the investors reach a new all-time high in their equity.

Let’s say an investor allocates 1000$ to one of our services. Then our strategy does its magic and we close a trade with a 10% return on the equity invested, which means the investors would have made 100$. Trend Surfers success fees (15%) would then be taken on that 100$. As an affiliate, you would get between 12% and 99% of that 15$ success fee depending on the campaign that you choose to use.

The affiliate program is also managed by Zignaly, which will take your commissions directly from our success fees and transfer them to a crypto wallet of your choice.

The minimum payment for all of our campaign is 1$. So it is very easy to get paid.

Our affiliate program contains 8 different campaigns in order to fit best with everyone’s needs.

Trend following V2 Affiliate campaigns

Trend Following V2 is a safe way to grow your equity. This strategy target investors who want to grow their funds safely.

It is very well adapted for high net worth investors.

By promoting this service, you can be assured that your friend’s or followers’ money will stay safe and will never be liquidated.

They will grow their account and compound their wins, which will increase your revenue over time.

Get all the details about TF V2 here: Automated Cryptocurrency Trend Following

There are 4 Campaigns available for TF V2:

DurationReward %Link
2 months99%View Campaign
6 months50%View Campaign
18 months25%View Campaign
Lifetime12%View Campaign

Account Building Affiliate Campaigns

Account Building strategy is a riskier strategy than our Trend Following one.

It aims at lower-income investors that would like to build their equity faster. But who says big and fast return, also say more risk.

This strategy will have a bigger drawdown, but they generally won’t last very long and we will be back on the road to grow our accounts.

We use strong risk-management and will never blow up your referrals account.

Account Building will generate a high return, but it will probably not attract the big accounts.

If you promote to high net worth investors, you should promote our Trend Following V2 strategy.

For more info about our Account Building Strategy, please visit Account building signals for BTC/USDT (Free)

There are 4 Campaigns available for Account Building:

DurationReward %Link
2 months99%View Campaign
6 months50%View Campaign
18 months25%View Campaign
Lifetime12%View Campaign

Custom Campaign for Influencers

If you are an influencer on any of the main platforms (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) Please contact us so we can discuss a partnership with increased % Rewards and duration.

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