This is our latest signals for Uniswap (UNI) for our Free long term trend following crypto signals signals.

Our signals are generated for Binance but you can buy/sell Uniswap on any of these crypto exchanges.

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Signals Inputs:


Entry Price:6.933

Take profit price:xxxx

Stop Loss:5.53

Position Size:xxxx


Service:Trend Following 1D

Update:Updated 3 jours ago

Uniswap – UNI Chart

Uniswap Market info

Uniswap is currently trading at 11.0547 $.

With a circulating supply of 627,593,406.7443 $, Uniswap is currently ranked 23 with a marketcap of 6,937,871,124.7419 $.

165,451,353.14 $ worth of UNI have been traded in the last 24 hours.
For more information, you can visit UNI CMC page

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